

Acupuncture Chicago | Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Osteoarthritis in these two areas can be extremely painful, and can often lead to a chronic condition if it is not treated. Symptoms of Osteoarthritis in the knee and hip area can include a shooting pain in the hip, groin, and thigh area. This can also lead to pain in the knee joints. Normally, the pain starts in the knees and patients do not feel the pain in their hips until later.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis usually peak when the weather is colder or when patients engage in physical activities. Acupuncture care of stretching, massage, ultrasound healing, and gentle manipulation of painful joints can help reduce stress and pain in the knee, groin, and thigh area. Call us today to begin the process of a pain free life!

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Acupuncture Chicago

Acupuncture Treatments

Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture Chicago

Traditional Acupuncture

Ancient Chinese techniques are still considered some of the best in alternative pain relief medicine. Acupuncture will help accelerate your bodies own immune and repair systems.

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Acupuncture Pain Relief Chicago

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy can treat a range of conditions such as joint pain, muscle soreness, low back pain, upper back and neck pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, and even anxiety and stress.

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Acupuncture Chicago IL


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, however physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by hand, by elbow, or with various devices instead of using needles.

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