Auto Accidents & Whiplash

Auto Accidents & Whiplash

Acupuncture Chicago | Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Whiplash injuries caused by a car accident can be very severe and should be taken with much seriousness. Because symptoms may not show up right away, you may not realize you are as injured as you actually are. Usually, auto accident victims do not reach out for treatment because they don’t feel the symptoms immediately.

One of the most common injuries to the neck is a whiplash injury. When your head is forced to suddenly move (in any direction) it can cause severe damage to the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues in the neck and the upper back.

The longer you go without seeking treatment, the more complications may arise, and the more likely they may become permanent injuries. In fact, many whiplash victims who have already settled their insurance claims after an accident, state they still suffer from the symptoms of the auto accident. So, even though you may not be in pain right now, it is better to be safe than sorry.

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Acupuncture Treatments

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Traditional Acupuncture

Ancient Chinese techniques are still considered some of the best in alternative pain relief medicine. Acupuncture will help accelerate your bodies own immune and repair systems.

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Auto Accident Injury Acupuncture Treatment

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy can treat a range of conditions such as joint pain, muscle soreness, low back pain, upper back and neck pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, and even anxiety and stress.

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Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, however physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by hand, by elbow, or with various devices instead of using needles.

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